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2025 Grant Application

Spotlight Miami is blessed to consider partnering with you and your charity organization!


Important Dates:

  • Deadline to submit application is Friday, February 21, 2025 by 11:59 p.m. (with respect to all applying organizations, Spotlight Miami cannot make any exceptions for late applications).

   •  Organizations selected for further consideration will be required to meet with Spotlight Miami Board and Grants Committee on      Tuesday, March 18, 2025 (30-minute, in-person interviews will be scheduled at a later date).

  • Site visits to semi-finalist organizations will be scheduled for the week of April 7, 2025.

  • Spotlight Miami Check Distribution Event will be held Tuesday, May 13, 2025, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (location TBD)


Spotlight grants are for a one-year granting cycle. Grantees can reapply every three years (three full funding cycles must pass before reapplying). Spotlight Miami prefers to fund organizations that have little access to major giving, an annual operating budget of $2 million or less, are an emerging charity, and for which our funds will have a big impact.


​Once your application is submitted, no revisions can be made.​​

If you have trouble sending your application, please email



Effective Date of the Organization’s IRS 501 (c) (3) status

The undersigned hereby affirms that I have read the Spotlight Miami grant application requirements, minimum grant consideration information set forth below, and grant selection calendar and agree to all of the contents thereof. By signing this Executive Summary and submitting the attached Spotlight Miami Grant Application I do further affirm that in the event that our charity is awarded a Grant, all grant moneys shall be used in accordance with the Application. I further acknowledge that by accepting a Spotlight Miami Grant, we are required to participate in the Fall Event and to report on the impact of the Grant on the lives of those served.

Organization Information

Purpose of Grant / Description of Your Specific Project

Timeline for implementation of the project: Spotlight Miami may audit the grant process/activity at any time before the  grant’s completion date.

Start Date
End Date

Please note Grant Request amount must not exceed half of applicant’s current operating budget. Grant request for advertising, marketing and salaries in total must not exceed 20% of the amount requested. Grant requests must not include ongoing operating expenses, rent or endowments.

Please note these statements must include a Balance Sheet (a statement of Assets and Liabilities) and an Income Statement or Profit and Loss Statement.

©2025 by Spotlight Miami. Spotlight Miami is powered by NCF (National Christian Foundation) and follows the NCF multiple donor fund guidelines.

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